
Showing posts from October, 2017

How To Reserve to Visit or Register F-3 VISA (Dependent VISA) in Immigration Office

<<How To Reserve to Visit or Register F-3 VISA (Dependent VISA) in Immigration Office>>Dependent visa, F-3 VISA is a spouse or child of D-1 visa to E-7 visa holders.When E-7 visa holder's spouse or child wants to visit to Korea as a dependent of E-7 visa holders, usually, they have to apply for F-3 visa in their home country. After obtaining F-3 visa from Korean Embassy in their home country, F-3 visa holders shall entry into Korea within 3 months after F-3 visa issuance date. When F-3 visa holders entry into Korea, they have to register their Alien Registration within 3 months after the date of entry into Korea. Mostly, there are two types of F-3 visa staying periods. *1. 90 Days F-3 visa: To register their Alien Registration into E-7 visa holder's Immigration Office, they MUST reserve at Immigration Office and have to extend their F-3 visa and  # ARC  (=Alien Registration Card) application. It means they have to extend their F-3 visa period of stay from short te...

Final flight october 23

FINAL FLIGHT OF REGULAR WORKERS ON OCTOBER 23 तपसिलमा उल्लेखित भएका व्यक्तिहरूले तपिसल बमोजिमका कागजातहरू मिति २०७४ आश्विन ३१ गते सम्ममा यस कार्यालयमा पेश गरिसक्नुपर्नेछ । साथै मिति २०७४ आश्विन ३० गते सोमबार बिहान १०:०० देखि ३:०० बजे सम्म नेपाल ईन्भेष्टमेन्ट बैंक लाजिम्पाट(४००५०५८, ४००५०६९, नारायणहीटी सङ्ग्रालयको उत्तर ढोकातर्फ) मा गर्इ प्लेन टिकट लिनुपर्नेछ र मिति २०७४ आश्विन ३१ गते मँगलबार  ठीक ११:३० बजे इ.पि.एस. कार्यालयमा स्वयं उपस्थित भइ श्रम स्वीकृति, पासपोर्ट लगायत आवश्यक डकुमेन्ट लिई तोकिएको मिति र समयमा कोरिया प्रस्थान गर्नु पर्नेछ । तोकिएको मिति र समयमा कार्य नगर्ने कामदारहरूको सम्पूर्ण प्रकृया रद्द हुनसक्ने ब्यहोरा समेत जानकारी गराइन्छ । HRD Korea  बाट उडान तालिका जुनसुकै समयमा पनि परिवर्तन हुन सक्ने छ । अन्तिम उडान पश्चात ब्यक्ति प्रस्थान नगरेमा नियमानुसारको उडान रद्द शुल्क (US$100) जरीवाना लाग्ने छ । यस कार्यालयमा पेश गर्नुपर्ने कागजातहरू १. एन. आई. सि. एसिया बैंकमा इ.पि.एस. कार्यालयको खातामा ४६.२० डलरको नेपाली रूपैयाँ जम्मा गरेको बैंक भौचर । २. एभरेष्ट ...

Breaking News: E-7-4 VISA Quota Closed

<<Breaking News: E-7-4 VISA Quota Closed>> Ministry Of Justice has announced that 300 Quota of E-7-4 VISA, Points Based Skilled Worker VISA, converted from E-9visa, E-10 visa, H-2 visa, has been full early and the last deadline for applying for E-7-4 visa in 2017 is until 18:00 pm on Oct. 12, 2017. (Tomorrow) Immigration Offices will not accept application that needs document supplement. ※ In 2018, the qualification requirements and quota for professional employment qualification for skilled foreign workers (E-7-4 VISA), it will be announced after Dec. 20, 2017 and the new application will resume from Jan. 2, 2018. source: 장행닷컴행정사 VISA In KOREA

foreigners celebrating dashain