
Showing posts from 2023

K-Point E74 VISA (케이 포인트 E74 숙련기능인력비자 시작) Starting from today, K-Point E74 visa application has started. You may apply for K-Point E74 visa through Hi-Korea website or we may delegate your application using our Hi-Korea website account. 1. Number of Selecting Person: 30,000 persons until this quota is full. 2. Mandatory Requirements: ① 4 Years with E-9 visa; ② Working 1 year at a Company now and a recommendation letter from your company; ③ 200 points including additional Points; ④ TOPIK(KIIP) Level 2 or 41 points at Pre-Test(사전평가); ⑤ 2 Years’ Average Income: 25 mil won(agriculture, livestock, fishery worker: 24 mil won); and ⑥ Working Contract for 2 years with 26 mil won(25 mil won for agriculture, livestock, fishery worker: 24 mil won)


कोरियन भाषा परिक्षा CBT को नतिजा प्रकाशीत भएको छ। जम्मा उतिर्ण 2739 जना उत्तिर्ण भएका छन् ‼️🇰🇷


सूचना ! ! तपशिलमा उल्लेखित ब्यक्तिहरुको CCVI आएको तर अहिले सम्म नभरेकोले HRD कोरियाबाट CCVI नभर्नुको कारण /बिबरण मागेको हुदा 1 हप्ता भित्रमा EPS मा फोन गरेर जानकारी गराउन यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ्।


सीप बिल्डिङ क्षेत्र तर्फको कोरियन भाषा परिक्षाको वायोमेट्रिक सम्वन्धि ईपीएस शाखाको उत्यन्तै जरूरि सूचना ‼️🇰🇷


F2R some are point system.....bistarai jata tai yehi system auxa hola F2R laini....


कोरियाको श्रम तथा रोजगार मन्त्रालयले २०२३ को लागी थप १० हजार बिदेशी कामदारको कोटा बढाएको छ। अब यो बर्ष भित्र कोरियाले जम्मा १ लाख २० हजार बिदेशी कामदार भित्र्याउने भएको छ।


Ministry of Justice in 2023. From 9. 11 to ’23. We are implementing the “Special Self-Advance International System for Illegal Residents” that exempts fines and suspends entry restrictions for illegal aliens who leave the country on their own by December 31.

  Notice on the 2023 Special Self-Advance System for Illegal Foreigners □ Implementation period: ’23. 9. 11. (Monday) ~ ‘23. 12. 31. (Sun) □ Subject ❍ Illegal aliens who voluntarily leave the country during the relevant period ☞ Foreigners staying illegally after the enforcement date (September 11, 2023) are excluded. □ Excluded persons ❍ Smugglers, people using forged passports, criminals, people who fail to comply with departure orders, etc. □ Action details ❍ Exemption from fines* and suspension of entry restrictions upon voluntary departure * Includes exemption from fines for applicants who voluntarily leave the country accompanied by a person under the age of 17 ※ Those who voluntarily leave the country must voluntarily leave the country in accordance with the current ‘Voluntary Departure Prior Reporting System’. ⇒ Advance notification at least 3 days prior to departure date (excluding public holidays) ※ Documents to be su...